Bioidentical hormone therapy is gaining popularity as a safe and effective option for treating hormone deficiencies related to aging and other medical conditions. At Rebalance Hormone Clinic in Sandy, Utah, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone replacement plans to help patients restore optimal hormonal balance.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones that are chemically identical to those produced naturally in the human body. The most commonly replaced hormones include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid hormone. Unlike synthetic versions, bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as our body's own hormones, allowing them to bind more efficiently with hormonal receptors and mimic natural function more closely.

When prescribed properly and monitored through bloodwork, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can effectively relieve unpleasant symptoms of hormonal decline while minimizing risks associated with conventional hormone therapies.

Our Services

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances

Age-related hormone decline and deficiencies can negatively impact many aspects of health. Common signs and symptoms include:

Low Estrogen and Progesterone

  • Hot flashes, night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness, discomfort
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Mood changes - anxiety, irritability
  • Brain fog, memory lapses
  • Weight gain
  • Thinning hair, dried skin

Low Testosterone

  • Low libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Fatigue, low energy
  • Depression
  • Poor concentration

Low Thyroid (hypothyroidism)

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Cold intolerance
  • Muscle aches
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Impaired memory

Estrogen Deficiency Progesterone Deficiency
Mood swings Anxiety
Hot flashes Irregular menstrual cycles
Vaginal dryness Heavy periods
Sleep problems Fibrocystic breasts
Weight gain Infertility

These often vague yet debilitating symptoms can significantly diminish one's vitality and quality of life. Fortunately, they are treatable through properly administered bioidentical hormone therapy overseen by an experienced hormone specialist like those at Rebalance Hormone Clinic.

Restore your hormones with bioidentical hormone therapy.

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Who Can Benefit from Bioidentical HRT?

Bioidentical hormones can benefit both men and women across many stages of adulthood, including:


  • Perimenopause and menopause
  • Surgical menopause - hysterectomy/oophorectomy
  • PMS, painful periods
  • Infertility issues
  • Sexual dysfunction - low desire, arousal issues


  • Andropause (age-related testosterone decline)
  • Low T symptoms - erectile dysfunction, low libido
  • Infertility issues
  • Loss of strength, endurance

Main Triggers for Hormone Decline Prime Age Ranges
Perimenopause and menopause 45-55 years
Andropause 40 years
Pregnancy and postpartum 18-45 years
Thyroid disorders Can occur at any age
Hysterectomy/oophorectomy Any age if ovaries removed
Chronic stress Usually 30 years
Obesity Any age
Pituitary tumors Middle age and up

If your quality of life is negatively impacted by hormone imbalance symptoms, you are likely a candidate for customized bioidentical hormone replacement through Rebalance Hormone Clinic.

Basics of Bioidentical HRT

The first step is diagnostic testing to accurately assess your hormone levels, which may include blood, saliva, or urine tests.

Compounded Bioidentical Hormones

The right bioidentical hormone regimen is then customized for your needs based on your lab testing results, symptom evaluation, medical history, lifestyle factors, and treatment goals.

Rebalance Hormone Clinic specializes in compounded BHRT - we work with specialty pharmacies to formulate personalized hormonal creams, gels, pills, and other delivery methods in the exact strengths and combinations needed for your hormonal restoration.

Common bioidentical compounds prescribed may include:

  • Biest (combo estrogen)
  • Prometrium (progesterone)
  • Testosterone
  • DHEA
  • Compounded thyroid hormone

We also provide micronutrient testing and necessary supplementation when indicated.

Advantages of Compounded Hormones Delivery Methods
Precisely customized strengths Oral capsules, tablets
Flexible dosing adjustments Sublingual drops, troches
Choice of delivery methods Creams, gels
Improved absorption Patches
Fewer side effects Pellets
Better patient tolerability Injections

Follow-up and Monitoring

  • Follow-up bloodwork and symptom reviews ensure optimal hormone balance is achieved and maintained long-term through appropriate dosage adjustments.
  • We establish open communication with patients to collaboratively fine-tune their treatment plans over time for maximum benefits.

In short, our integrative approach combines expertise in hormonal wellness with precision testing and compounding to restore hormonal harmony from within through truly custom-tailored regenerative therapies.

Benefits of Balanced Hormones

Restoring hormonal balance with bioidentical hormone replacement can lead to remarkable improvements such as:

Systemic Benefits

  • Increased energy and endurance
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Enhanced mental clarity and focus
  • Better mood stability
  • Healthy libido and sexual function
  • Lean muscle gain, fat loss
  • Glowing hair, skin, and nails
  • Strengthened bones and joints
  • Improved cholesterol ratios
  • Boosted metabolism and potential weight loss
  • Heightened overall vitality and zest for life!

Cardiovascular Metabolic Body Composition
Lower heart attack risk Improved insulin sensitivity Increased lean body mass
Healthy blood pressure Better blood sugar regulation Decreased abdominal fat
Reduced inflammation Steady metabolic rate Stronger bones

Condition-Specific Impacts

Along with the above systemic effects, balanced bioidentical hormones also help relieve bothersome condition-related symptoms:

  • Menopause - Eliminates hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, sleep disruption, brain fog, vaginal dryness
  • Andropause - Restores libido, erectile function, vitality, strength
  • PCOS - Regulates menstrual cycles, reduces excess hair growth, aids fertility
  • Postpartum - Stabilizes erratic moods, supports healing, restores energy
  • Chronic Stress - Lowers elevated cortisol levels to regain calm and resilience

In summary, properly balanced bioidentical hormones enhance health on multiple fronts - mind, body, and spirit!

Restore your hormonal balance with bioidentical hormone therapy at Rebalance Hormone Clinic.

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Why Rebalance Hormone Clinic for Your Hormone Needs?

Leading the way in anti-aging and regenerative therapies, Rebalance Hormone Clinic offers exceptional care with an integrative and personalized approach.

Our Expertise:

  • Specialized training from top functional and anti-aging medical institutes
  • Over 15 years of collective experience optimizing hormones
  • Ongoing education on the latest advancements
  • Compassionate patient focus

Our Services:

  • Cutting-edge diagnostic testing
  • Comprehensive treatment plans
  • Custom compounded hormones
  • Lifestyle optimization guidance
  • Ongoing fine-tuning and support

Start Your Hormonal Wellness Journey Today!

If you struggle with low energy, weight gain, low libido, or other unexplained symptoms possibly related to hormone decline, contact us today to see if bioidentical hormone replacement through Rebalance Hormone Clinic is right for you.

We offer complimentary 15-minute phone consultations to learn more about your health goals and issues of concern so we can decide together if you are a candidate for customized BHRT.

We look forward to helping you restore your hormones and revitalize your health!


At Rebalance Hormone Clinic, we are dedicated to providing personalized and effective bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to help our patients achieve optimal hormonal balance and overall well-being. Our experienced team utilizes cutting-edge diagnostic techniques, customized compounded hormones, and a holistic approach to address the root causes of hormone imbalances. By restoring hormonal harmony, our patients can experience numerous benefits, including improved energy levels, better sleep, enhanced cognitive function, balanced moods, and a revitalized sense of vitality. We are committed to empowering our patients on their journey to hormonal wellness through comprehensive care, ongoing support, and a compassionate, patient-centered approach.

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